CLE/Annual Meeting

Plan CLEs for our members and work with outside entities (e.g. American Inns of Court) to offer CLEs in the hopes of recruiting more members and creating more awareness of Scribes.

John Browning (Chair)
Timothy Hassinger

Law-Review Award

Solicit and select the best student-written article in a Law Review or Journal.

Brooke Bowman (Chair)
Mary Bowman
Hon. Jeffrey Jablonski
Richard Leiter
Bret Rappaport


Solicit and nominate new members and officers as needed.

John Browning (Chair)
Darby Dickerson
Joe Kimble
Stuart Shiffman
Steven R. Smith

Lifetime-Achievement Award

Select an individual whose lifetime work reflects a commitment to excellent legal writing.

Mark Wojcik (Chair)
Joe Kimble
Hon. Mark Painter
Hon. Lee Rosenthal
Stuart Shiffman

Book Award

Solicit nominations and select the best work of legal scholarship published during the previous year.

Hon. Michael Hyman (Chair)
Bryan Garner
Yoshinori H. T. Himel
Brian Melendez

Brief-Writing Award

Solicit nominations and select the best student-written brief.

Hon. Kenneth Gartner (Chair)
Andrew Bender
Beth Cohen
Charles Dewey Cole
Stephen Fink
Susan Joffe
Robert Markle
Gail Mullins
Mary Rose Strubbe

Financial Investment

Explore financially beneficial opportunities to invest Scribes funds.

Michele Jochner (Chair)

The Scrivener

Publish the Scribes newsletter three times a year.

Mark Wojcik (Chair)
Joe Kimble
Alex MacDonald

Law Review Training

Develop a book and other resources to train law review editors.

Darby Dickerson (Chair)
Brooke Bowman
Polatip Subanajouy

Scribes Journal

Solicit top quality articles for the Scribes Journal to be published XX times a year.

Megan Boyd (Chair)
Joe Kimble (Co-chair)
Terry Dwyer
Bryan Garner
Ned Minevitz
Anthony Moreno
Raymond P. Ward

Membership and Outreach

Explore and execute initiatives to increase membership and awareness of Scribes.

Hon. Kem Thompson Frost (Chair)
Brian Hooper
Marie Jamison
Joe Kimble
Mary Massaron
Tom Segalla
Jill Schumacher
Gary Spivey

Website & Social Media

Maintain and upgrade the website. Post activities and news regarding Scribes activities and its members.

Bradley Yost (Chair)