Volume 21
The Scribes Journal of Legal Writing, Volume 21
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Cover Page
Table of Contents
From the Editor
“How I Write” Essays
How I Write?
Erwin Chemerinsky
How I Write
Lance McMillian
How We Write, Or Why Having a Buddy Helps
Ruthanne Deutsch and Hyland Hunt
Don’t Forget Me! Structure as a Part of Plain Language
Ian Lewenstein
The Word Material Is Ambiguous in Contracts, Why That’s a Problem, and How to Fix It
Kenneth A. Adams
Cover Letters, Distinguishing Yourself, and Sentences Nobody Else Can Write
Patrick Barry
Who Is Being “Assisted”? A Call for Transparency in Hiring Visiting Assistant Professors (VAPs) in Legal Writing
Suzanne Rowe
40 More Writing Hacks for Appellate Attorneys
Brian C. Potts
Consider The Indigo Book: A Manual of Legal Citation
Jennifer Murphy Romig
Book Review
Notes on Contributors
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